Nominations for the 2024 National Police Bravery Awards are now open.

This award has been developed for police by police and nominations are sought from officers across the country.

While police work is inherently dangerous…some actions stand out.

Do you know someone who has performed an exceptional act in exceptional circumstances?



1. The nominee must be a sworn police officer from an Australian police jurisdiction.

2. Nominees must have undertaken an outstanding act of courage or bravery, by selflessly putting themselves in harms way to protect others, going well beyond the call of duty.

3. Where feasible, the incident should have occurred in the past twelve months, however exceptions could include if the matter is subjudice or if other unavoidable delays have occurred.



To access the nomination form click here

The National Police Bravery Awards will be presented in Melbourne on Tuesday 17 September 2024.

The Australian Police Bravery Awards is an award for police by police, that transcends state and jurisdictional divides; making the recipients truly national heroes.

Click here to see Australia’s police in action.


Schedule for Awards

The 7th annual National Police Bravery Awards will be presented at a formal dinner in Melbourne on Tuesday 17 September 2024.



2023 WINNERS – Constable Aaron Larsen & Constable Deborah Bradley  |  Northern Territory Police

On Wednesday 17 May 2022 at approximately 5pm Wadeye Police Members Sergeant Jamie Cobern, Constable 1st Class Mathew Grey, and Constables Aaron Larsen and Deborah Bradley were alerted to a large group of approximately 200 heavily armed persons fighting in the community.  Without hesitation the members attended and spent approximately 1.5 hours attempting to disperse the group.

At approximately 6:30pm police became aware that a male had been shot through the leg with an arrow. Due to the serious hostility and risk of harm, medical staff were not able to attend the location to assist.

Officers Grey and Bradley made their way to the injured male, rescued him and conveyed him to the local health clinic for treatment. Upon arrival at the clinic, Police and the injured male became subject of an attack. Approximately 100 community members began to throw rocks, and homemade spear towards Police.
Officers Cobern and Larsen, attempted to disperse the crowd with verbal commands before stating that an OC grenade would be used if they failed to disperse.

Time became crucial, as there were serious concerns for the injured male as he needed urgent medical attention.  At the same time, police were fearful for his and the medical staff’s safety, as well as their own.

The large armed and angry crowd began to encircle the local clinic, as the intensity of the attack increased.  Multiple projectiles were being hurtled toward Police, and the injured male. There was no opportunity for the injured male or the police to escape or retreat. The attack was intense and sustained for approximately 20 minutes. OC munitions were deployed, with little effect on the crowd.

Ultimately, police used vehicle as a form of shield, reversing up to an entry point of the clinic. Officers Bradley and Grey carried the injured male inside, while Larsen and Cobern attempted to disperse the rioters. Officers were heavily attacked with many projectiles narrowly missing them, including arrows, reinforced sharpened metal bars and other projectiles. Officers handed the injured male to staff for medical treatment and returned to their vehicle.

This large riotous group was not only attacking police but also damaging the critical infrastructure and attempting to break into the medical facility posing a real risk to persons inside. Constable Larsen continued to push the crowd back from around the medial facility and other critical infrastructure while multiple chemical munitions were deployed.  Eventually the crowd began to retreat and police regained control.  No further injuries were reported.

All of the members in this instance displayed exceptional bravery in a hostile and violent circumstance. They remained in location and used non-lethal chemical munitions and strong verbal commands.  They displayed amazing teamwork and co-ordination to protect the life of the injured community member, health clinic staff, and themselves, along with critical infrastructure.


2022 WINNER – Senior Constable Andrew Whitall  |  Western Australia Police

On Thursday 26 November, 2020, police from Mandurah Detectives Office were leading an investigation into an offender who had two days earlier attempted to reverse over a Police Inspector after a traffic stop, which escalated to a pursuit around the Mandurah area where the offender engaged in dangerous driving after nearly running over members of the public when he mounted a footpath before fleeing into the South West Region of Western Australia.

On 26 November officers ascertained that the offender was living out of his car in the Manjimup area after having committed a burglary where he’d stolen two firearms.  The offender had advised his ex partner that he wanted to die and intended to commit an armed robbery and steal a car the drive to South Australia.

Detective Sergeant Tristan Wilshire, Senior Constables Andrew Whitall and James Stewart and Detective First Class Constable Ievers were sent to apprehend the offender who had been identified by the Police Airwing near the town of Kirup where he’d been engaged in a high speed pursuit.

These four officers joined the pursuit southbound on the South Western Highway into heavily wooded forest with no radio communication.  A total of four vehicles were involved in the pursuit,

The offenders’ vehicle was disabled by the deployment of several Stinger Tyre deflation devices which resulted in him abandoning his vehicle.  At the time of exiting his vehicle he raised a double barrel shotgun and pointed it at the first pursuing vehicle as they past him.  As the second police vehicle pulled up behind the offender, he turned and pointed the shotgun directly at them as they sat helplessly in their vehicle.  The offender then ran into nearby bushland.

When officers Wilshire and Whitall arrived in their vehicle they were unaware of the offender having pointed a shotgun at the other officers.

Officers Evers and Stewart pursued the offender on foot while Wilshire and Whitall continued further along the highway where they likewise exited their police vehicle and moved into the bushland to cut off the fleeing offender.

At this point Wilshire and Whitall became separated in the heavily wooded bushland.

Senior Constable Whitall soon found himself caught alone with the offender where he was forced to rush up on him and snatch the shotgun out of the offenders’ hands.  The loaded firearm fell to the ground where it discharged missing both Whitall and the offender.

Whitall wrestled the offender to the ground alone before he was able to be joined by the other officers involved in the foot pursuit.

offender had to be restrained by several officers as he was highly affected by Methylamphetamine and was very aggressive.

He was charged with the following offences –


2021 WINNER – Senior Constable Kelly FOSTER  |  New South Wales Police

On the morning of 2 January 2021, Senior Constable Kelly Foster undertook a canyoning expedition with a small group at the Wollongambe Canyon One, Mount Wilson. The group commenced their journey and made their way through the upper sections of the canyon. By midday, they had entered the water section of the canyon where a female member of the group entered the water on her lilo and made her way downstream. During this time, she unwittingly entered a whirlpool and was pulled underwater.

After being alerted to the situation by other members of the group, without hesitation for her own safety, Senior Constable Foster entered the water, making her way towards the fast-moving whirlpool and grabbed the hand of the victim who was still submerged underwater and valiantly attempted to rescue her. A short time later, both the victim and Senior Constable Foster were pulled three metres underwater by the whirlpool and were unable to resurface. Both the female and Senior Constable Kelly Foster lost their lives.

Senior Constable Foster’s parents, Terry and Marilyn, and other family members attended the Awards Ceremony. Mr Foster accepted the award on behalf of family.



2020 WINNER – Senior Constable Benjamin HAMMANT  |  New South Wales Police

About 6pm on 17 March 2020, an armed offender had a dispute with neighbours in Cutler Drive, Wyong. The offender ended up firing over 200 rounds into houses across the road and at police, which killed a male and injured two other people.

The rounds the offender was firing were going through the houses in Cutler Drive and hitting houses in Maple Circuit. Senior constable Hammant organised for officers to go to the rear of the Cutler Drive houses, between Cutler and Maple Circuit, and get people out of those houses. Senior Constable Hammant went to the rear of the house where the person had been killed and got the rest of the people from that house to safety. While doing this, shots were still being fired with Senior Constable Hammant in the line of fire.

Other police also put themselves in danger, but Senior constable Hammant was the first to go into a very dangerous situation to assist. He also took command at the rear of the house and organised other police in the area to get the innocent victims to safety. He also ensured that while the offender was still shooting, the other officers were in safe positions.

The actions of Senior constable Hammant were all recorded on his body worn video.




2019 WINNERS – Senior Constable Linda Farrand & Senior Constable Mark Turner  |  Northern Territory Police

In 2019, both Senior Constable Linda Farrand and Senior Constable Mark Turner from the Northern Territory were awarded the National Police Bravery Award for their acts of bravery during a lengthy and intense negotiation that occurred on the edge of a Darwin clifftop above croc-infested waters.

Click here to read more of their story.







2018 WINNER – Senior Constable Stephanie Bochorsky  |  Western Australia Police

In 2018, Senior Constable Stephanie Bochorsky from Western Australia was presented with the inaugural National Police Bravery Award at the ceremony in Canberra in recognition of her exceptional actions when she saved the lives of a toddler and her older sister who were being set alight by their father.

The following day federal parliament thanked Steph for her bravery, with acknowledgement from the Prime Minister and the Leader of the Opposition.  Subsequently, Steph’s story was featured on the Nine Network’s “A Current Affair”.

Click here to view the story.